身份 | 早鳥 ( 2023/03/05前 ) | 原價 | 現場報名 |
正式會員 | 4,000 元 | 5,000 元 | 6,000 元 |
一般會員 | 3,000 元 | 4,000 元 | 5,000 元 |
相關會員 | 4,000 元 | 5,000 元 | 6,000 元 |
協辦單位會員 | 4,000 元 | 5,000 元 | 6,000 元 |
其他 | 5,000 元 | 6,000 元 | 7,000 元 |
My Heart Skips a Beat – Taking Care of Children with Cancer and Cardiac Problems
- 主辦單位:社團法人中華民國兒童牙科醫學會
- 協辦單位:馬偕兒童醫院、馬偕紀念醫院口腔醫學部兒童牙科
- 時間:112年3月26日 09:00~17:00
- 地點:公務人力發展學院福華國際文教會館卓越堂(臺北市大安區新生南路3段30號2樓)
- 費用:
- 兒牙會員-
112年3月5日以前報名者4,000元,112年3月5日以後報名者5,000元,112年3月26日現場價6,000元 - 協辦單位 (請於非會員報名表單上,勾選為協辦會員,並於空格註明所屬協辦單位)-
112年3月5日以前報名者4,000元,112年3月5日以後報名者5,000元,112年3月26日現場價6,000元 - 協辦會員報名填寫範例>
- 台灣特殊需求者口腔醫學會會員 (請於非會員報名表單上,勾選為協辦會員(系統限制,之後會修正),並於空格註明所屬單位)-
112年3月5日以前報名者4,000元,112年3月5日以後報名者5,000元,112年3月26日現場價6,000元 - 特需會員報名填寫範例>
- 非 會 員-
112年3月5日以前報名者5,000元,112年3月5日以後報名者6,000元,112年3月26日現場價7,000元 - 學生及本會認可之訓練機構的兒童牙科住院醫師-
112年3月5日以前報名者3,000元,112年3月5日以後報名者4,000元,112年3月26日現場價5,000元 - PGY牙醫師出示PGY在訓證明,可同享學生優惠價。活動當天始報名者比照非會員原價6,000元收費。
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詢問電話:(02)2701-1050 中華民國兒童牙科醫學會 秘書處
My Heart Skips a Beat – Taking Care of Children with Cancer and Cardiac Problems
Dr. da Fonseca是兒童牙醫界極負盛名之學者,曾任教於多所美國頂尖牙醫學院;目前為美國伊利諾大學芝加哥分校(University of Illinois Chicago)與芝加哥牙醫學會(Chicago Dental Society Foundation)兒童牙科之特聘教授。多年來致力於系統性疾病與特殊需求孩童與青少年(medically-compromised children and adolescents)之臨床照護與研究。其諸多之研究成果發表於國際知名期刊與專書內;目前更擔任美國兒童牙科醫學會Journal of Dentistry for Children之總編輯,並曾編寫多本兒童牙科之教科書。此外,Dr. da Fonseca於癌症病童口腔照護之豐富經驗更是享譽全球,經常受邀至世界各大牙科學會演講。在此次研討會的四個演講中,Dr. da Fonseca將帶領大家深入認識兒童癌症與癌症病童之牙科治療與口腔健康維護;並將針對先天性心臟病孩童之牙科照護進行系統性的回顧與經驗分享。相信本研討會將帶給兒牙會員諸多面向上的刺激與啟發,讓我們更有信心為此類病童之口腔健康盡一份心力。
國立台灣大學牙醫專業學院牙醫學系 王詩凱副教授 敬邀
Time | Presentation | Speaker | Moderator |
08:30 |
報到 |
09:00~10:20 |
A Pediatric Cancer Update for Pediatric Dentists | Dr. Marcio A. da Fonseca | Dr. Shih-Kai Wang |
10:20~10:40 |
Coffee Break |
10:40~12:00 |
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant and Graft-vs-Host Disease | Dr. Marcio A. da Fonseca | Dr. Shih-Kai Wang |
12:00~13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30~14:50 |
Dental and Oral Care for the Pediatric Oncology Patient | Dr. Marcio A. da Fonseca | Dr. Shih-Kai Wang |
14:50~15:10 |
Coffee Break |
15:10~16:30 | My Heart Skips a Beat - The Pediatric Cardiology Patient and the Pediatric Dentist | Dr. Marcio A. da Fonseca | Dr. Shih-Kai Wang |
16:30~17:00 | General Discussion |
Dr. Marcio A. da Fonseca
Dr. da Fonseca received his dental degree in Brazil in 1987. He went on to the
Dr. da Fonseca is a board-certified pediatric dentist and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Dentistry for Children, a publication of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He has published over 65 scientific manuscripts and book chapters and co-edited a pediatric dentistry book. He is a sought-after international speaker on oral-dental care of children with complex medical problems.
講題:My Heart Skips a Beat – Taking Care of Children with Cancer and Cardiac Problems
Pediatric Cancer/Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation/Graft-vs-Host Disease/ Dental and Oral Care for the Pediatric Oncology Patient
This seminar will briefly review the clinical manifestations of pediatric cancer and the many modalities of treatment currently available, including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The acute and long-term effects of the disease and the treatment on the oral soft and hard tissue, as well as in the craniofacial complex, will be discussed. Systemic health issues to be considered when designing a dental care plan for the pediatric oncology patient will be presented.
My Heart Skips a Beat - The Pediatric Cardiology Patient and the Pediatric Dentist
This lecture will briefly review the most common congenital cardiac defects, its treatment and effects on the cognitive and behavioral development of children. Considerations for a safe delivery of dental care for affected children in the office and under general anesthesia will be discussed. The pathogenesis and microbiology of infective endocarditis (IE), its clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment will be reviewed as well as the latest update of the American Heart Association guidelines for prevention of IE before invasive dental procedures.