身份 | 早鳥 ( 2024/02/23前 ) | 原價 | 現場報名 |
正式會員 | 4,000 元 | 5,000 元 | 6,000 元 |
一般會員 | 2,000 元 | 3,000 元 | 4,000 元 |
相關會員 | 4,000 元 | 5,000 元 | 6,000 元 |
協辦單位會員 | 4,000 元 | 5,000 元 | 6,000 元 |
姊妹會會員 | 4,000 元 | 5,000 元 | 6,000 元 |
PGY | 2,000 元 | 3,000 元 | 4,000 元 |
訓練機構住院醫師 | 2,000 元 | 3,000 元 | 4,000 元 |
大學部學生 | 2,000 元 | 3,000 元 | 4,000 元 |
其他 | 5,000 元 | 6,000 元 | 7,000 元 |
Early Orthodontic Treatment and Muscle Function Training
- 主辦單位:社團法人中華民國兒童牙科醫學會
- 協辦單位:臺中榮民總醫院口腔醫學部兒童牙科
- 時間:113年03月10日 09:00~17:00 【僅實體課程】
- 地點:臺中榮民總醫院研究大樓2樓 第一會議室 (臺中市西屯區臺灣大道四段1650號)
- 費用:
- 兒牙會員-
113年02月23日(含)以前報名者4,000元,113年02月23日以後報名者5,000元,113年03月10日現場價6,000元 (實體座位名額有限,額滿即無法當天報名) - 協辦單位、姊妹會會員 (請於非會員報名表單上,點選特殊優惠類別,並於空格註明所屬單位)-
113年02月23日(含)以前報名者4,000元,113年02月23日以後報名者5,000元,113年03月10日現場價6,000元 - 報名填寫範例:
- 非 會 員-
113年02月23日(含)以前報名者5,000元,113年02月23日以後報名者6,000元,113年03月10日現場價7,000元 (實體座位名額有限,額滿即無法當天報名) - 學生及本會認可之訓練機構的兒童牙科住院醫師-
113年02月23日(含)以前報名者2,000元,113年02月23日以後報名者3,000元,113年03月10日現場價4,000元 (實體座位名額有限,額滿即無法當天報名) - PGY牙醫師出示PGY在訓證明,可同享學生優惠價。活動當天始報名者比照非會員原價6,000元收費。
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Early Orthodontic Treatment and Muscle Function Training
社團法人中華民國兒童牙科醫學會 黃純德教授 誠摯推薦
時間 |
演講題目 |
講者 |
08:30 |
報到 |
09:00~10:30 |
The causes and treatment of M. F. T. Q&A |
Dr. Ryuzo Kanomi 嘉之海 龍三 | |
10:30~11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00~12:30 |
The techniques and case presentations of M. F. T. Q&A |
Dr. Ryuzo Kanomi 嘉之海 龍三 | |
12:30~13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30~15:00 |
The early orthodontics including |
Dr. Ryuzo Kanomi 嘉之海 龍三 | |
15:00~15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30~17:00 |
The early orthodontics including |
Dr. Ryuzo Kanomi 嘉之海 龍三 |
Ryuzo Kanomi 嘉之海 龍三, D.D.S., D.D.Sc., Ph.D
【Professional Experience and Education】
1977 | DDS, Osaka Dental University |
1980- | Director, Kanomi Dental Office, Japan |
1989 | DDSc, Osaka Dental University (Pedodontics) |
2002 | PhD, Osaka University (Orthodontics) |
2008-2013 |
Adjunct Clinical Professor, Department of Orthodontics at Osaka University |
2008- |
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics of Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry |
【Honors and Awards】
Joseph E. Johnson Table Clinic Awards by A.A.O. (1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001)
題目:Knowledge necessary in order to apply muscle function training (MFT) in the pediatric clinical setting
In recent years, numerous cases have emerged in the pediatric clinical setting in which a decrease in oral function has been observed in children with malocclusion. Is the decreased oral function causing the malocclusion? There is definitely a chicken-and-egg relationship between the two, but what goes without saying is that for children in the growing years, development of the oral cavity is closely involved in this issue.
Given this background, we will be looking closely at the normal developmental process of oral cavity function, and at a number of problems that can result from the decrease in this function. In addition, we will offer specific suggestions for methods of guidance, and items to be checked and observed.
1. MFT in patients who breathe through their mouth
2. MFT in patients with ankyloglossia
3. MFT in patients with oral habits
4. MFT in patients with a narrow maxillary dental arch
5. MFT in patients with a Class II molar relationship
6. MFT in patients with anterior reversed occlusion
7. MFT in patients with a cross bite
8. MFT in patients with an anterior open bite
In addition, as an extreme example of a decrease in function causing malocclusion, when observing the oral dysfunction of adult patients who have malocclusion and are patient for surgical correction, not only is normal function being impeded, but in some cases, behaviors used to compensate for oral function become a direct cause of malocclusion, making the process of achieving normal function a long and difficult one for these patients. At the same time, however, we know that patients who undergo surgical orthodontic correction experience significant morphological changes following correction, making it comparatively easy for them to acquire function. We may want to consider the convenience for patients who simultaneously acquire function and experience changes in morphology. It is much harder to obtain these advantages if the patient does not undergo preoperative training, and it is no exaggeration to say that this training deeply impacts stability following surgery. Consequently, the authors report on the efficacy and stability of MFT training carried out before and after surgery designed to correct various morphologies, categorized by case.
Additionally, the patient’s ability and willingness to cooperate in pre- and post-operative MFT training strongly affects postoperative stability, and it is important to consider the length of time during which this training will be necessary, from the standpoint of the patient’s lifestyle. We hope you will join us in exploring these and other questions as we move forward.