定期刊物 Periodical

臺灣兒童牙醫學雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Pediatric Dentistry
民國八十年,在學會 尚未成立前的聯誼會時代,就以兒童牙科討論會的名稱自編自印兩期的簡訊。民國八十一年學會初創,發行了四期的會訊,並於民國八十六年籌劃了兒童牙科醫學會 會刊創刊號,會刊被視為雜誌的試刊號、前身。在大家的踴躍投稿下,由第三屆到第四屆共出了十期會刊。第五屆民國九十年正式改版為雜誌,初期名稱為《中華民 國兒童牙科醫學會雜誌》,民國九十一年第二卷第四期正名為《臺灣兒童牙醫學雜誌》。《臺灣兒童牙醫學雜誌》不只是學會的雜誌,更是全體兒童牙醫師的雜誌, 期許我們的雜誌能代表臺灣兒童牙醫學的進步,有朝一日能進軍國際。
— 摘自《中華民國兒童牙科醫學會十周年特刊》
Before the Academy was formally established, a group of pediatric dentists formed a social group and published two newsletters in the 90s. In 1992 after the Academy was founded, four more issues were published. It wasn’t until 1997, the Taiwan Journal of Pediatric Dentistry Newsletter published its first issue which was considered the predecessor ofTaiwan Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. Owing to submissions from our members, 10 issues of newsletters were published in the 3rd and 4th year of the Academy. In 2001 this publication was formally changed to a magazine. Its initial title was “Chinese Pediatric Dentistry Medical Association Magazine”. In 2002 the Issue 4 Volume 2 it was renamed as Taiwan Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. This is not only a magazine of TAPD but one for all pediatric dentists. We hope this magazine signifies the progress of our field in Taiwan and one day it will enter the international arena.
Excerpt from TAPD’s 10th anniversary commemorative publication, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Taiwan Journal of Pediatric Dentistry

大會手冊 Annual Report / Conference Manual
On June 21st, 1992 the Academy hosted its inaugurating conference and published the first Chinese Pediatric Dentistry Medical Association Inauguration Meeting Brochure. Since then all member attendees will receive a copy of the meeting brochure, detailing the work of TAPD and other related information.

學術論文摘要手冊 Abstract
In the 3rd year of TAPD during the second general assembly meeting the Academy published the first journal articles abstract collection. It has since become an annual tradition which features submissions from members of that year.
出版品 Publications

三十週年專刊 - 三十兒力 The special issue of the 30th anniversary of the Taiwan Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

十週年特刊 TAPD 10th Anniversary Commemorative Publication,1992-2002
— 摘自《中華民國兒童牙科醫學會十周年特刊》
In 2002 TAPD turned 10 years old. 10 years is a time to be specially commemorated, a time to look back on where we came from and look forward to the future. This special edition hopes to connect the time, people and events from 10 years ago or more, with words and images, before the precious memories fade away.
Excerpt from TAPD’s 10th anniversary commemorative publication

口腔保健專輯(一套三冊)Oral Health Education Manual
第一集 學齡前幼兒口腔保健專輯 - 口腔保健做得好,牙齒健康沒煩惱
第二集 學齡孩童口腔保健專輯-口腔衛生多注意,牙齒健康又美麗
第三集 口腔暨牙齒衛生保健-口腔問題不輕忽,牙齒健康永享福
In 1994 the department of health under the Executive Yuan commissioned a project to produce a 3-volume set of oral health promotion publications.
Vol.1 學齡前幼兒口腔保健專輯 - 口腔保健做得好,牙齒健康沒煩惱
Vol.2 學齡孩童口腔保健專輯-口腔衛生多注意,牙齒健康又美麗
Vol.3 口腔暨牙齒衛生保健-口腔問題不輕忽,牙齒健康永享福

其他出版品 Other Publications
Other publications directed or co-produced by TAPD