
0~3歲 Ages 0-3 口腔清潔篇 ORAL HYGIENE TIPS

家長為嬰幼兒潔牙的重要性 The importance of parents brushing their baby's teeth


  1. 從幼兒時期開始養成清潔口腔的習慣,日後比較不會排斥潔牙。
  2. 幼兒手部小肌肉尚未發育完全,無法像大人一般靈活使用牙刷、更無法自行使用牙線潔牙。所以需要家長協助孩子潔牙才能清潔乾淨。
  3. 讓幼兒習慣口腔潔淨的感覺,進而在日後能主動維持口腔清潔,養成自行潔牙的好習慣。


  1. 一定要讓嬰幼兒頭部有倚靠。

  2. 地點可以選在沙發、地毯或床上等安全明亮的地方。

  3. 讓嬰幼兒的頭部靠在家長的大腿上,

  4. 以左手手指輕輕撥開嘴唇,仔細的用牙刷清潔每一個角落。





▲ 用握筆方式輕柔幫孩子刷牙,親暱的接觸互動還可以增進親子間感情喔! (圖/洪千喬醫師)




Developing habits for good oral hygiene early makes it easier for children to maintain later in life. Toddlers' hand muscles are not fully developed so they can't use toothbrushes as well as adults nor floss thoroughly. Therefore parent assistance is necessary for maintaining sound oral hygiene.
Getting toddlers used to the practice of oral cleaning makes it easier for them to develop habits for maintaining good oral hygiene themselves.

When parents brush their toddlers' teeth, ensure enough support to their head. An ideal location can be on the sofa, carpet, or bed where it's safe and bright. Rest the toddler's head onto the parent's lap.

Use left fingers to remove the lip and properly clean the teeth's surface with brushes.

Use a gentle and steady force.

Calm the children down with a soft voice. Maintain a slow and soft motion. Find a secure place for children to lie down with their head secured. During brushing, hold their head with one hand and use the other hand to hold the brush in a pen-holding position. Make sure to find a point of support for your brush-holding hand to avoid excessive forces or to prevent child injuries due to children's anxious wiggles.

Both parents should take responsibilities for maintaining children's oral hygiene. Usually it takes both of their cooperation to keep their children's sound oral health.

Brushing time can also be a parent-child bonding time when children can experience parents' tender care. Don't give up because your child throws a tantrum. It takes time for children to get used to the cleaning procedures.
