
0~3歲 Ages 0-3 口腔清潔篇 ORAL HYGIENE TIPS

幫孩子刷牙的技巧 The techniques of Brushing children's teeth


▲ 用握筆方式輕柔幫孩子刷牙,親暱的接觸互動還可以增進親子間感情喔! (圖/洪千喬醫師)
Use a pen-holding gesture to gently brush children's teeth. Close contact increases intimacy and bonding between parents and children.

  1. 孩子的牙齦脆弱,力量要輕柔像 刷水蜜桃的皮一樣輕輕刷。
  2. 固定刷牙方法、時間、順序,讓孩子習慣固定的方式潔牙。
  3. 可以配合遊戲、音樂來增加潔牙樂趣。


The techniques of Brushing children's teeth

  1. Children's gum is fragile. Only use a light force as if brushing peach's skins.
  2. Fixed brushing method, time, sequence makes it easier for children to get used to teeth cleaning.
  3. Incorporate games or music is a good way to add fun to the cleaning process.  