0至三歲 Between 0 to 3 years
乳齒有20顆,平均約在兩歲半時全部萌出。有一些異常是在出生時就有牙齒叫做出生牙(Natal Tooth),有些是在出生後一個月內萌發,叫做新生牙(Neonatal Tooth),大多出現在下顎前牙區。
Babies are born without teeth and they begin teething when they are between 6 to 8 months old. These baby teeth are twenty in total and on average, become fully erupted by the time children turn 2 and half years old.
Some exceptions include natal tooth, meaning a tooth appeared at birth or neonatal tooth, that is a tooth erupted within the first month after a baby is born, mostly found in the anterior segment of the mandible.
Some of these teeth are only calcified issues in the mouth, and do not have a complete tooth structure. Others are baby teeth prematurely erupted. These abnormalities can affect breastfeeding and parents should consult a pediatric dentist to determine if further intervention or treatment is required. When babies are young, parents can use a pacifier to satisfy their need for sucking. As children grow up, start teething and eat solid food, parents can build up their sense of security and find an appropriate timing to wean them off the pacifier.
It's common for pediatric dentists to hear parents saying, “my baby can't sleep without a pacifier.” “please talk to my kid because he'll only listen to a doctor.” These comments, in fact, reflect parents' own dependence on pacifiers and reluctance to face the problem. Please do not treat pacifiers as the miracle cure to stop children from crying.
Prolonged use of pacifiers can harm the growth and development of mouth and teeth. Its level of impact depends on the length and frequency of the use. It may cause open bite and protrusion, both of which can improve by itself as the habit discontinues. It's recommended to stop using pacifiers before children turn two years old.
Tongue-tie is a thin tissue underneath the tongue connecting the bottom of the mouth. A tongue-tie too tight or thick will limit tongue's movement and affect feeding, pronunciation and swallowing. Surgical correction can significantly improve the situation. If parents suspect their children may have this issue, please consult a pediatric dentist for further assessment.