怎麼吃比較不容易蛀牙呢? What to eat to reduce the risk of tooth decay?
- 首先需要減少易造成蛀牙的細菌轉移至孩子口中,避免親子、手足、朋友之間共用餐具便是方法之一。
- 其次要減少含糖食物及含糖飲料的攝取。寶寶在4-6個月間可以開始食用副食品,但這也代表了在飲食中接觸含糖食物的機會增加,因此家長需仔細檢視飲食的內容與頻率。
- 避免每餐進食時間過長;每日給予含糖點心的次數建議在兩次以下為佳,做成錠狀、軟糖狀的營養補充品,例如:維他命軟糖,也應該計入考量。
- 避免將含糖飲料,裝於吸管杯等孩童隨手可得的容器內,例如:果汁、乳酸飲料等等。夜間應避免將含糖飲料或配方奶裝在奶瓶裡讓孩子喝到睡著。
Long-term exposure of tooth surface to the bacterial fermentation of the sugar acid can increase the risk of tooth decay.
First, reduce bacterial transmission that causes tooth decay by not sharing tableware between families and friends.
Second, lower consumption of food and drinks containing sugar. Babies between 4 to 6 months old start to take solid food but this time is also when they start to increase the chance of taking sugar-added food.
Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the content and frequency of their food intake.
Avoid long eating time in each meal; limit sugar-added snacks to under twice a day. Nutritional supplements, tablets or gummy candies, should be taken into consideration.
Avoid putting sugar-added drinks in sippy cups which are readily available to children, such as juice or yogurt drinks.
Do not let children drink sugar-added beverages or infant formula to sleep.