
0~3歲 Ages 0-3 口腔清潔篇 ORAL HYGIENE TIPS

0-3歲的口腔清潔 0 to 3 years Oral hygiene


  1. 零至六個月剛出生的嬰兒,進食後應該用紗布或海棉棒擦拭口腔(包括舌頭、牙床及黏膜。)
  2. 乳臼齒萌發前(六個月到十八個月),可用矽膠指套刷清潔前牙。
  3. 乳臼齒長出後,就應該要用牙刷。
  1. For infants aged 0 to 6 months parents can use a linen washcloth or cotton swab to clean their children’s mouth(including tongue, gum and tissue)
  2. For infants and toddlers aged 6 to 18 months parents can use a silicone finger brush to the anterior teeth.
  3. Once the baby tooth has come out, use a toothbrush.