3-6歲的口腔清潔 Oral hygiene for children aged 3 to 6 years
- 乳臼齒採水平橫刷,牙刷刷毛與牙齒保持水平貼合。
- 門牙內側採直刷,牙刷刷毛與牙齒保持垂直方向。
- 以2顆牙齒為單位來回輕刷10-20次。
- 牙齒的每一個面都要清潔。
- 記得舌頭也要刷喔!
Brushing for toddlers
When brushing baby teeth, keep the bristles of the toothbrush a close, horizontal contact of the teeth.
Keep the bristles of the toothbrush moving vertically on the lingual surface of the central incisors and.
Gently brush 10 to 20 times every two teeth.
Ensure to clean all surfaces of teeth.
Remember to brush the tongue.
There are several common brushing techniques, including the most well-known Bass method, molar brushing method and the single-direction brush technique, recommended by pediatric dentists. Parents can choose based on personal preferences. The point is to brush thoroughly in conjunction with fluoridated toothpastes.