根管治療怎麼做?What's a root canal treatment?
▲ 根管治療流程示意圖 (圖/黃仲民醫師)
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Root canal treatment is also commonly known as “nerve extraction”.
It may sound terrifying but in reality it's a series of procedures to use tools to eliminate infection, decontaminate the tooth and fill in materials to control inflammation and pain, and prevent the spread of infection to permanent tooth germs. The primary concern of parents is if the nerve of the primary tooth is removed, will the nerve of the permanent one be also lost?
In fact, primary and permanent teeth each have their own set of nerve systems. Therefore, even if a primary tooth receives root canal treatment, when it's replaced by a permanent one, its nerve will be as healthy and complete as new.
For an endodontically treated primary tooth, due to the extensive damage by cavities, a crown is required to protect the tooth to restand the chewing force and prevent it from breakage. Once a tooth is broken, extraction is also inevitable. Then the previous endodontic treatment becomes in vain.
Based on the location of the endodontically treated primary tooth, there are several materials to be considered to create a crown:
Anteriors: composite resin, porcelain
Posteriors: stainless steel, porcelain