蛀牙了該怎麼治療呢?How to treat cavities?
● 齲齒未侵犯牙髓神經 ►窩洞填補
● 齲齒侵犯牙髓神經 ►根管治療
● 齲齒範圍過大無法藉由治療恢復 ►乳牙拔除
Cavities, if left untreated, will cause sensations such as sensitivity, tenderness, and pain and will affect children's appetite and sleep, leading to negative impact on growth and development; tooth discoloration caused by cavities not only affects esthetics but also children's confidence. Besides, high risks of cavities will put erupting permanent teeth also at a high risk. If you have caries, go get treatment now.
The severity of cavities and treatment methods can be assessed by physical examination, checking symptoms and X-rays.
When cavities haven't caused damage to dental nerves, fissure sealants treatment will be sufficient.
When cavities have damaged the dental nerves, root canal treatment is required.
When the cavities are too severe to be controlled by root canal treatment, extraction becomes necessary.