
3~6歲 Ages 3-6 齲齒風險分析 CARIES

3-6歲蛀牙風險 吃飯含飯 點心 Cavity-risk 3-6 years, pocketing food, snacking

在 3 - 6 歲這個時期的小孩,最容易讓小孩整口牙齒蛀光光的行為就是吃飯吃很久,尤其是會含飯的小孩,含飯會讓吃飯時間延長,拖越久越容易讓小孩蛀牙,建議吃飯時間大概在 30 分鐘以內結束。

頻繁的吃點心也是同樣的問題,一天吃超過 3 次以上的點心、飲料就算是容易蛀牙的行為,建議家長們訂定個點心時間,一天最多兩次,要吃什麼全部吃一吃,其他時間盡量不要吃東西。


For children aged between 3 to 6 years, the easiest way to have severe tooth decay is pocketing food, that is to hold food in the mouth, as a pocket, without swallowing for an extended period of time. Pocketing food will prolong eating time which will make children more susceptible to cavities. it's recommended to finish eating within 30 minutes.
Frequent snacking is also the same kind of problem. Snacking and drinking sugary beverages over three times a day is considered a high-risk behavior. Parents are advised to set a snack time, twice a day at most, to limit the time of eating. Outside of the designated eating time, it's best not to eat anything.
Keeping a regular snacking time can lower the risk of tooth decay.
